7 steps in treating cancer successfully

After diagnostic


It is hard for anyone to get a diagnostic of cancer whatever type is but you have to know there are solutions, which totally cure or keep under control all forms of it.

You are not alone and approaching the situation right, increase the chance of treatment. Have in mind that you are one of @ 20 million people diagnosed with cancer and probably a much higher figure if we are to take into account the ones which are not included in statistics or the ones which will never know that they have cancer.

The treatment for cancer is not any more such a scaring experience how used to be and more than 80% of patients get a life expectancy for more than 10 years after the diagnostic. If we take into account that the median age for cancer patients is 67, we can conclude that cancer can be kept under control.

1. Look for a second opinion.

Do that very quickly, so you won’t delay the treatment. But is important, where possible, to take the second opinion even if you have to travel sometimes quite far for that, maybe in a different state.

Your doctor and multidisciplinary team use certain guidelines and protocols which may differ from other medical institutions and may see different aspects. If your diagnostic is reconfirmed that could increase your trust in the treatment. But it is not confirmed could avoid an unsuitable treatment or a misdiagnosis.

Don’t be afraid to approach your medical team about the opportunity to get a second opinion. In the vast majority of cases, they will be happy to support you. Somehow is a helpful step even for them in deciding the course of therapy in your case.

2. Accept the reality

You know now who is the enemy and that is already the first step to face it. It is starting a new chapter in your life and you have full control of it.

Look for support around, is there for you, doesn’t matter if is family, friends, work colleagues. Except for your medical team, there are many other options where you can ask for help. It is normal to be a bit disorientated and depressed but talking about could help.

3. Follow the treatment and guidelines from your medical team

Trust your doctor and trust the treatment. Immunotherapy has just a step to make, in order to cure cancer for all. You may be one of the first-line patients to benefit from it. Even with existing treatment cancer of any type can be kept under control.

A professional medical team will put together their knowledge, experience, and all the achievements of research in the area to get the best treatment for your particular case.

Take your information from trusted sources and don’t pay to much attention to the statistics. Most of them are quite old as it takes a long time to complete them. That makes them irrelevant as the new generation of treatments and drugs have much better results and are not yet included in most of the statistics.

4.Understand why is happening

While the certain cause of cancer is rather not concluded is generally accepted that it does occur when the immune system is weak. Weakening the immune system is widely generated by:

-strong emotional stress

-oxidative stress

-long, untreated inflammatory processes in the body

-long time exposure to chemical or other types of substances or radiation which could have a poisoning effect.

-some viral infection

-imbalance in the body’s pH

5. Change your lifestyle.

In order to increase exponential, the chance of the treatment in cancer, you have to also try to change your lifestyle to help the immune system.

That process should include:

– avoiding stress

– reviewhttps://healthyinill.com/foods-to-enjoy-foods-to-avoid-for-cancer-patients/ the diet

– balance the active and rest periods during the day.

-try to control any inflammatory process like IBS and any viral infection

-stay hydrated and try to balance your body pH.

6.Alternative medicine and supplements.

During the treatment of cancer, it really can make the difference if you are getting some sessions at your choice depending on the side effects which you may feel.







-Music therapy


Very helpful could also be to include in your diet a range of herbal teashttps://healthyinill.com/9-herbals-teas-useful-to-support-cancer-treatments/ and remedies as well as food supplements. I like to mention some of them: algae, curcumin, coenzyme Q10, B and C vitamins, resveratrol, CBD products. Always let your medical team know when you do that because it is important not to interfere with the main treatment which is the base of your recovery.

7. Live your life, not your illness.

Look at the situation like you start a new job which is important to complete to a high standard. Celebrate when you get over each stage. Stay focus on your treatment but that doesn’t have to be in your mind all the time.

You still have a lot of time to spend the same way how you did before diagnostic. Your loved ones are still there to enjoy them. Your hobbies are there and you might have a little bit more time now. The sun, the wind, the air, all the nature is there, enjoy it. You still have your favorite TV programs and movies to be seen. You may even go to the cinema, theatre, concerts more often. You might decide to start a new game, to join a relaxation course. There are many ways to enjoy life.

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